The best resorts in Turkey for families with children


Where to go to the best resorts in Turkey for families with children? Consider beach resorts, what to do on vacation, which all inclusive beachfront hotels to choose first when looking for budget travel deals. We have compiled an excellent overview that will help you plan your trip and spend your vacation at the proper level with positive emotions.

Turkey is one of the most popular resorts in Eurasia with all inclusive services for any wallet. The main feature of this resort is its location right on the coast of four seas: Black, Aegean, Marmara and Mediterranean. That is why there is such a variety in coastline, climate and landscapes.

There are sea and mountains, green meadows, and luxury hotels (more economical guesthouses) to choose from. However, Turkey is not only rich in cheap resorts. Amazing monuments of the country's centuries-old history, which include the ruins of Troy and the ruined temple of Artemis. There are many interesting excursions available to tourists. What are the Istanbul mosques, and nature created the salt miracle of Pamukkale with the Cleopatra spring.

Turkey is a great option for a summer vacation at the sea with a developed hotel system, entertainment, delicious oriental sweets and conditions for every taste.

Where in Turkey is it better to relax according to the seasons?

You can have a rest in Turkey all year round. In summer they come here for a beach holiday, in winter - to ski resorts, and in the off-season to see the beauty of the country and breathe in the mountain-sea air.

For those who want to go to the sea already in April-May, it is worth choosing resorts on the Aegean Sea. V Marmaris, Bodrum, Cesme, Kusadasi, already from the middle of spring you can open the beach season and enjoy the gentle sun. The local season lasts until October. The climate here is drier than on the Mediterranean coast.

Around May-June, the holiday season begins on the Mediterranean Sea. There are mixed beaches here. And although the water can still be cool (+19 C), and the air temperature is +20 +25, Side, Belek with its sandy beaches, and Kemer, Alanya with Antalya, where pebbles predominate, gradually open the doors for guests.

But in July and until mid-August, you should not go here. The coast is famous for very hot weather +30 or more and the sea, which does not cool at all from the heat. In addition, during this period, the prices and the number of people on the coast increase significantly. A trip with children will be especially difficult, it is easy to get burned and not get out on sightseeing tours.

During this period, it would be better to go to the northern coast of the country. Here the state is washed by the Black Sea. Local resorts, where to relax in Turkey in August and July, are suitable Sinop and Trabzon... The air temperature at this time is about 25 C. Thousands of tourists come here who do not like too hot climate, especially families with children and elderly tourists.

However, you should be prepared for unexpected downpours. Also in the second half of summer, you can go to the Marmara region, where Istanbul is located, Canakkale with the famous ruins of Troy. And although the beach season here lasts only in summer, you can come here in the fall for amazing impressions from colorful excursions to historical sites. Especially the autumn season will delight tourists with its shopping tours with good discounts in stores.

However, during this period, the most popular resorts in Turkey for young people with a rich entertainment life, where there are many entertainment and nightclubs. These include Kemer, Marmaris and Bodrum with its luxurious 5-star hotels. Here you can find a street of bars and world famous nightclubs, for example in Halikarnas in Bodrum for five thousand people, as well as institutions with various musical styles for lovers of rock or jazz performers. Tourists will like Marmaris with free admission and an abundance of show programs in nightclubs, as well as with a night transfer from the hotel to discos and vice versa.

For older tourists, the best time to travel to Turkey is September. This is a truly velvet season in all major Turkish resorts. The sun is softer, and the water in the sea is still warm after the summer heat. Prices are starting to fall slowly, as is the number of vacationers with children. Therefore, for an inexpensive vacation in Turkey, you can choose Aegean and Mediterranean coast. However, you will not find special attractions here. For them it is worth going to Marmara or the center of the country.

As for the winter, beach resorts are closed due to strong winds. But the ski slopes begin their work. The best resorts in Turkey, where it is better to relax in the winter, are Uludag with its calm tracks, Palandoken - for more extreme skiers, Sarikamysh perfect for the whole family, and fans of biathlon and slalom will love it Kartaklaya... Skiing times usually run from mid-December to March. Therefore, Turkey is suitable for the New Year holidays.

However, the low prices for Turkish resorts apply only to the summer period; in the winter, the cost of rest will be equal to European resorts.

When is the best time to relax in Turkey?

Consider the weather conditions at the resorts and choose the best month for vacation in summer or winter:

The best resorts in Turkey for families with children

If you are planning to have a vacation with the whole family and are looking for where to go to Turkey to relax with children, it is worth considering an important factor that in July and August it is very hot in popular resorts. Therefore, for children's comfortable rest in the summer, it is better to choose Juneif you have a student, or June and Septemberif children of preschool age.

During this period, the air is already warmed up enough, but there is no sweltering heat. Also, the sea at this time is either already warmed up, or has not yet cooled down after the hot August. For families with children, it is better to choose resorts in Turkey with a sandy beach.

This is mainly the Mediterranean coast with the usual palm trees: Belek, Side or Alanya.

Alanya most interesting for tourists for its long season of six months and all-inclusive prices for vacations. There is pleasant sand with a gentle descent into the water, and the beaches are divided into cozy bays. There are hotels of various levels for every budget, for your convenience, we have already made a selection of accommodation options in 5-stars and inexpensive 4-star hotels on the first line from the sea.

  • Tours to Alanya

Side, which is located on the peninsula, is distinguished by the presence of both lively beaches and more secluded ones, where you can feel like a savage. There the water, despite the sand, is clean and transparent.

  • Tours in Side

But the longest beach strip (20 km) is located in Belek, which is considered one of the best resorts in the country. The sand on the beaches is soft and pleasant for families, and the hotels are mostly five-star with a full range of services. For its clean beaches, the city received the Blue Flag from the EU. Most of the hotels here are family-oriented, so on site you can find all kinds of entertainment for children and parents, and it will also be easy to find the necessary services and amenities for the child. From a baby cot or chair to animators and a water park.

  • Tours to Belek

Expensive resorts in Turkey

Almost all resorts will be considered expensive during the season. It is in July-August that all prices for housing, food and entertainment increase two to three times. However, the most expensive is considered to be Belek on the Mediterranean Sea with its pure white beaches and vast hotel areas.

All Belek hotels are only of the highest class in 4-5 stars of "all inclusive" or "Deluxe" class. The first golf courses in Turkey were built here. The cost of rest here, as well as the level of services, are high.The local resort is designed to meet the European level of requirements for recreation. Therefore, prices for summer vacations in Turkey at this resort can go up to 700 thousand rubles per week for two.

For lovers of greenery and landscapes, the Fethiye... This is the most picturesque place in Turkey. The resort is located in the bay where the Aegean and Mediterranean seas join. There is constant calm, clear blue sea with white sand, mountains and an abundance of lush greenery. And a lot of entertainment in the form of diving, paraguiding and rafting on the river will delight avid extreme lovers. Accommodation prices reach 105 thousand rubles per week of rest for a couple of tourists.

  • Tours in Fethiye

Also, a good level of rest offers Bodrum - Turkish Riviera in the Aegean Sea (local Riviera for Turks). The architecture here is filled with blue and white Greek tones and small buildings like in Greece. The vegetation here is not as lush as on the coast of Marmaris and Fethiye.

  • Tours to Bodrum

The resort is suitable for both active youth with disco clubs in the center, and for a relaxing family holiday in remote bays. Feature of Bodrum - a narrow coastal strip (bulk or in the form of a platform). Hotels often have their own entertainment program or you can go to the city, where famous discos are located. Prices for vacations on average vary from 45 to 150 thousand rubles.

If you want to visit the elite resorts of Turkey, then the direction of Bodrum, Fethiye and Belek is especially for you.

Where to relax in Turkey inexpensively?

If you are looking for the right advice on where to go on vacation in Turkey to make your vacation more budgetary, you should choose lower star hotels or last minute deals to help you. And also to save will help out-of-season vacation time - May-June or September-October. At this time, prices for everything are much lower, as well as the number of tourists at all resorts.

And yet, where to have an inexpensive vacation in Turkey? Among the Turkish resorts, the most democratic in terms of prices is Alanya due to the distance from the nearest airport. The hotels are simpler here. It is very easy to find a good three-star service. If you are looking for a more economical holiday on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, then Alanya is the best resort. And although it is very noisy in the center, there are places on the outskirts where you can spend your holidays in peace. However, local bars and cafes will delight lovers of active entertainment with their abundance.

  • Tours to Alanya

Another interesting resort is Marmaris... It is the most crowded city on the Aegean coast. It is tailored for entertainment and vibrant nightlife. Accommodation here during the hottest season can be found from 15 thousand rubles a week. There are many clubs and various entertainment in the street discos and bars.

  • Tours to Marmaris
