Pattaya or Phuket? Last Minute Tours


Pattaya or Phuket? Last minute tours to Thailand with prices and dignity of resorts that will help you choose the right destination for your vacation in 2021. We will find out where the weather is better, the best sea, which is better: the beaches of Phuket or Pattaya, entertainment.

Going on vacation to the Kingdom of Thailand, first of all, you need to decide exactly where to go. Most tourists go to the sea, the length of the coastline in the country is 3219 km. Which of the seaside resorts to choose in Thailand - Pattaya or Phuket, last minute tours are snapped up like hot cakes. How to determine what exactly you need, because everyone has their own preferences. We will give all the pros and cons of these resorts, and where to go to choose you.

Sea and beaches

A definite plus for the beaches of Phuket. Swimming in Pattaya is not very pleasant - the sea is rather dirty. The city's main beach offers various water activities that pollute the water. You can't swim calmly, just watch the jet skis, which just strive to run over you. Many people go to sunbathe on the beaches of the nearby islands.

Unlike Pattaya, there are many beaches in Phuket and everything is clean, even the most popular Patong is much cleaner than Pattaya. The beaches are located in bays, which are closed on both sides by hills covered with tropical plants.

So if you are interested in a beach holiday, choosing Pattaya or Phuket, it is better to take last-minute tours to the island.


In this section, Pattaya gets a plus, it is much cheaper than Phuket, this applies to absolutely everything: food, housing, entertainment, travel, excursions. Due to the large flow of tourists, there is high competition between organizations.

In Phuket (tours to the island), everything is more expensive, exotic nature takes its toll, if you plan to travel by taxi, prepare to give not a small amount. Inexpensive housing can be found, but it will not be by the sea. In restaurants, it is also much more expensive; in a good establishment, dinner will cost 800-900 baht. In inexpensive cafes about 200-300 baht.

For shopping it is better to choose Pattaya. In markets and shopping centers, prices are very reasonable.


For a party and a vibrant nightlife, it is better to go to Pattaya. An abundance of nightclubs, cafes, go-go bars, shows with girls and not quite girls will not let you get bored. There are similar establishments in Phuket, but there are fewer of them, all of them are concentrated in the Patong Beach area. In other bays, it is quiet and calm in the evenings.

In terms of excursions, both resorts are equal, although in Phuket the prices are higher (excursions in Phuket). The directions of the programs are slightly different, there are many sea excursions on the island, in Pattaya there is fishing, rafting, large gardens and parks.


In this section, Pattaya takes the lead. Even in the rainy season, you can have a good rest, rainfall occurs several times a week. You can travel to Pattaya all year round, the best time is from November to May.

In Phuket, during the period from April to October, it rains almost every day, sometimes it will drag on for a week. But the most dangerous is the waves, swimming is often prohibited due to a strong storm. It rains occasionally during the dry season, but it is warm and not long.

Phuket, the cost of rest ⇒

Pattaya or Phuket, last minute tours from Moscow

If you have decided on the choice of Pattaya or Phuket, all-inclusive last-minute tours from Moscow can be purchased inexpensively. Packages departing in a day or two to Pattaya (tours to Pattaya and prices) are sold for 30,000 - 50,000 rubles, conditions of two and three stars.

Phuket (tours to Phuket and prices) will be more expensive, and there are fewer last minute tours.

All hot offers to Thailand from Moscow, the region and cities of Russia can be viewed at


Pattaya will appeal to young people, party lovers, single men and those who want to save money. Phuket is suitable for couples with children, for those who love a relaxing beach holiday.
